The digital networks of tomorrow begin with yesterday’s fundamentals

The digital networks of tomorrow begin with yesterday’s fundamentals
May 16, 2016  |  BY

As global telecom consultants with decades of combined experience, there’s no client issue that surprises us. We’ve seen it all. But there is a certain mindset that does cause us to scratch our heads: Why do CIOs and IT executives continually get all bright-eyed with the latest sexy technology and forget about the need for a strong network foundation?

Take the cloud, for example. We regularly meet with companies who want cloud-this, cloud-that, but they haven’t yet built a quality or properly designed infrastructure. Without it, the perception of what the cloud will achieve won’t match the reality of what it will provide.

If you haven’t figured it out, we’re talking fundamentals. Your business first needs a quality infrastructure – only then should you focus on layering the latest and greatest technologies over your network.

Without the right network infrastructure, your digital transformation initiatives will fail to meet expectations. But with a solid infrastructure, you will not only easily adapt to new technologies, you will be able to deliver the services and products your customers demand.

As you’re well aware, customers are increasingly demanding rich digital experiences. It’s critical, then, to collaborate with your telecom vendors to improve customer experiences throughout the various life-cycle stages. They can help you leverage data, cloud, other digital services to improve customer satisfaction (and retention), and also to enhance overall operational efficiency.

Why should you look to telecom vendors? Some businesses, and their CIOs, may not understand that the roles of their telcom vendors are quite different then they were 5-10 years ago. Myriad devices, mobile apps, and the barrage of digital content (especially video) have forced telcos to be more involved in helping with digital transformations.

Specifically, they can point out the integral link between quality connectivity and successful digital services. They can show the correlation between a healthy network infrastructure and the prosperity of your digital ecosystem, as well as the level of customer satisfaction you provide.

Whether you have a small company or mid-size enterprise, no matter the industry, we urge you to think of your telecom vendors differently. They’re no longer mere service providers – they’re really business partners. Take advantage of their insights. As you go deeper into a digital transformation, they’ll guide you in the right direction.