Technology leaders as catalysts of change

Technology leaders as catalysts of change

Emerging Tech

As technology consultants, we continually witness how our clients adapt to new tools and solutions. We also observe how they (mainly CIOs and CTOs) have seen their actual roles evolve. These leaders aren’t only making traditional technology decisions about what to purchase and implement. They’re now change agents, collaborating with other executives to ensure cohesive execution of major business initiatives. Without question, today’s technology leaders have a full plate of responsibilities. And this year has…  MORE


By the time you read this article, you will undoubtedly have already learned about ChatGPT. You know how it’s changing accounting, software development, engineering, writing, design, marketing, transportation – name a topic and ChatGPT now plays a major role for enhancing the traditional way of doing things. The artificial intelligence (AI) that drives ChatGPT will also transform telecom enterprises. In a sense, this is another step towards the greater efficiency that telecom leaders have been…  MORE


Retail is embracing robots

March 16, 2023  |  BY

With rising labors costs and a decrease of available workers, retailers have been scratching their collective heads. How are they going to stay afloat? To answer that question, more brands are turning to automation – specifically, to robots. They have no choice. In 2022, retail companies increased spending on labor costs by nearly 5%. Powerhouse retailers like Target, Costco, and Walmart have been forced to boost hourly wages to retain workers. But retail leaders understand…  MORE


When you hear about the concept of “digital twins”, you might think it refers to a sci-fi film based on a dystopian world a few hundreds years in the future. That sounds interesting – but what’s more fascinating is the actual definition of digital twins: “A digital twin is a virtual model designed to accurately reflect a physical object.” Digital twins are used for simulations, testing, monitoring, and maintenance, and they’ve existed since the early…  MORE


Technology has always played an integral role in the success and growth of grocery stores. From the advent of the shopping cart to electronic cash registers to barcode scanning, innovation has continually improved the shopping experience while boosting sales. Now technology is shaping the grocery industry once again. That’s because the global pandemic that began in 2020 caused inflation, stifled supply chains, and created a labor shortage the likes we haven’t experienced since the dawn…  MORE


If IT professionals wanted an easy job, they would’ve chosen another career. The people we collaborate with love their work because it’s challenging and rewarding. They enjoy solving technical and business problems, and that often requires long days, long nights, and multiple deliveries of meals and coffee. No problem. All the hard work is worth it, both for personal satisfaction and career development. But lately IT professionals have been tired – extremely tired. That’s part…  MORE


Americans may be divided politically and culturally, but there’s one area where we can find 100% agreement. We all love convenience. From the TV dinner in the 1950s to self-checkout at supermarkets today, we’re always looking to get what we want quicker and easier. We treasure our leisure time and want as much of it as possible. Drone delivery has promised to provide even more convenience. In a recent survey of over 1,000 consumers, nearly…  MORE


When you see the word “robotic”, you’re likely to imagine something out of a science fiction movie. Or maybe you’ll picture a modern-day assembly line. But Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has nothing to do with those assumptions. RPA is an application of technology that frees up employees to focus on higher priorities by eliminating tedious, often repetitive tasks. This is important for today’s CIOs, who are increasingly seeking ways for technology to positively impact the…  MORE