GPS tracking is now a must-have tool for retailers  

GPS tracking is now a must-have tool for retailers   

Emerging Tech

When retail leaders have trouble sleeping at night, it’s not necessarily because they’re worried about low sales of specific products. Rather, their lack of rest stems from more of a high-level concern: How can they provide faster delivery, keep costs low, improve efficiency and security, and better predict the forces that will affect the supply chain? And more than ever, major retailers are turning to GPS tracking technology as the answer to that multi-pronged question….  MORE


Since the dawn of retail, the store window has played a key role in sales. Merchandising, displays, mannequins, and other promotional tactics – when executed correctly – can lure customers and increase cash flow. We’re now witnessing an expanded function of the store window, thanks to the latest digital technology. Due to Covid, consumers today spend more time on their devices, which causes them to shop differently. In turn, retailers have been forced to create…  MORE


When considering potential technology solutions, IT leaders want to save as much money as possible. And increasingly, they also have a mandate to execute sustainable technology practices. With artificial intelligence (AI), CIOs and CTOs can accomplish both of those goals at the same time. It turns out they can achieve those objectives by writing greener code. For some time, coders have looked for ways for their work to be more environmentally friendly. But that noble…  MORE


Not so long ago, retail consumers were introduced to the concept of self-checkout. Instead of a cashier scanning items and bagging them, you had the freedom to do it yourself. New checkout experiences will soon enhance self-checkout. These are “contactless” systems powered by the latest computer vision and AI technologies. Instacart, in collaboration with Amazon One, are implementing palm-recognition payment technology to over 500 Whole Foods locations across the country. Other retailers are experimenting with…  MORE


We see the claim everywhere these days: Artificial intelligence is taking over. AI will not only change the world, it already has changed the world. Business will never be the same; life will never be the same. So organizations that don’t adopt an AI strategy will soon fall into a deep digital hole. While there’s some hype in that sentiment, there’s also a lot of truth. Yet the AI craze enveloping us can obscure the…  MORE


Leaders across all industries understand the important role that frontline workers play in creating strong brands. Those workers greet customers, conduct transactions, and provide service – acts that inherently affect customer satisfaction and ultimately brand loyalty. But creating happy customers and strong brands isn’t as easy as it was in the past. It’s no longer a matter of simply pointing out where to find an item, ringing up sales on a cash register, and helping…  MORE


Remember the idea of “smart homes?” We surely do. Just a few years ago this concept had its moment in the sun. Devices connected by sensors were increasingly providing more convenience and enjoyment, saving people time by eliminating the mundane tasks of home life. Turn on some music, turn off the lights, change the room temperature – all with a request from your voice, even automatically. Smart technology and smart homes didn’t go away. The…  MORE


As technology consultants, we continually witness how our clients adapt to new tools and solutions. We also observe how they (mainly CIOs and CTOs) have seen their actual roles evolve. These leaders aren’t only making traditional technology decisions about what to purchase and implement. They’re now change agents, collaborating with other executives to ensure cohesive execution of major business initiatives. Without question, today’s technology leaders have a full plate of responsibilities. And this year has…  MORE