Posts by Tom Call

Americans may be divided politically and culturally, but there’s one area where we can find 100% agreement. We all love convenience. From the TV dinner in the 1950s to self-checkout at supermarkets today, we’re always looking to get what we want quicker and easier. We treasure our leisure time and want as much of it as possible. Drone delivery has promised to provide even more convenience. In a recent survey of over 1,000 consumers, nearly…  MORE


A simple guide to IT governance

June 27, 2022  |  BY

Today’s CIOs have a lot on their plates. Not only are they expected to contribute to the enterprise’s overall business strategy, they also have to concern themselves with IT governance. IT governance can be abstract term — so much so that even the most astute technology leaders can scratch their heads when trying to define it. Distilled to its essence, IT governance allows enterprises to manage their IT risks while ensuring that their technology fosters…  MORE


It’s no secret that today’s CIOs have to bring a wider array of expertise to the table than they did in the past. No longer can their days be merely focused on networks, databases, software upgrades, connectivity and troubleshooting. In 2022, the CIO must have a business perspective for everything they do. They have to be business leaders. While the goal is clear, the path to get there isn’t so obvious. How do tech executives…  MORE


If there’s one thing most people can agree on, it’s how uncontrollable forces can affect our lives and jobs. And probably no one understands this phenomenon better than today’s CIOs. The remote work revolution, combined with strides in digital transformation, has altered what goes to the top of a CIO’s to-do list. Whereas the CIO’s main priority used to be the implementation and maintenance of IT solutions, they now must focus primarily on innovation across…  MORE


How would Web3 affect society?

March 15, 2022  |  BY

Since the dawn of the public World Wide Web in the 1990s, we’ve been bombarded with a new technology every few years that will supposedly revolutionize how we browse, click, interact, and send and receive information. The latest technological darling is Web3, which – according to its champions – will give the power to people by taking it away from corporate monoliths. Regular, everyday folks will control their data instead of the overlords at Google…  MORE


Tell an enterprise CIO that he needs a digital automation strategy and you’ll be stating the obvious. He already understands how doing so will create enhanced experiences and greater value for the organization’s clients. But one thing isn’t always clear: You can’t gain those results merely by adding automation to current processes and systems. You must first be aware of the maturity of your automation strategy. This will allow you to assess potential areas for…  MORE


In most year-end predictions about technology, we usually discuss how market forces have created the need for a specific innovation. Yet for the second year in a row, the global pandemic is a key influencer on which technologies will be most in demand. Here’s our perspective on the technical tools that enterprises will turn to most in 2022: Sustainable is growing Among the few bright spots around the pandemic is that renewable energy usage grew….  MORE


If we look at the history of business, innovation around technology has always been about responding to current conditions. It’s no different with the COVID-19 pandemic. CTOs and CIOs have been forced to re-imagine how technical capabilities can serve both workers and customers in this remote world we’re living in. With many employees having to use their own devices to access secure networks, companies faced new security challenges. To adjust, we’ve seen wide deployment of…  MORE